Syllabus French III





Course Information


Dr. Schahrazede Longou        


I am available M-F after 1:00 p.m. for additional help in Room 309.  Please make an appointment with me for the exact date and time.



  • D’accord  3 ! Langue et culture du monde Francophone.  Vista Higher Learning, 2015. 
  • VHL Central  (Online activities: Reading, speaking, listening and writing)

Material needed

3 section notebook with pockets or a folder OR a binder with 3 sections


Course Overview

The level III course continues the study of French language and culture. The basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing will be taught and practiced with the emphasis on student performance in both grammar and vocabulary. More reading and writing is included than in level II and the course will move at a faster pace than the previous year. Various aspects of the culture of French-speaking people will be introduced and discussed. This will also include some components of geography and history of various francophone countries. In order for students to be successful, they will participate in daily class discussions, practice taking notes, interpret various authentic texts, and work to improve pronunciation and reading in French. Quarterly projects will be assigned to offer you the opportunity to research and verbally present a current event topic to the class.  Chapters 1-5 will be completed in the first semester and chapters 6-10 in the second semester.  A semester exam will be given in December and May.  This course will prepare students for further studies in the language or travel/study in France & Francophone countries.

  1. Overall Course Objectives
  • Engage in language learning
  • Master common and some specialized vocabulary terms and phrases
  • Comprehend a wide range of grammar patterns
  • Instigate and continue increasingly involved conversations, and respond appropriately to increasingly involved, or open conversational prompts
  • Generate language incorporating basic and some specialized vocabulary and a range of grammar patterns
  • Read, write, speak, and listen for meaning in French
  • Recognize and respond to significant works of literature in French
  •  Analyze and compare cultural practices, products, and perspectives of various French-speaking countries
  • Regularly assess progress in proficiency through quizzes, tests, and speaking/writing submissions
  • Understand oral or written French dealing with   Human Rights and Politics, contemporary life, relationships, towns and cities, news and media… The student should be able to communicate in these areas orally and in writing.


  1. Expectations
  • Students are expected to adhere to all classroom rules as outlined on the first day of school. Failure to adhere to these rules will result in consequences that will also be defined and communicated on the first day of school.
  • Students are expected to adhere to and be familiar with Pine View policies regarding tardiness, attendance, academic honesty, and grading as stated in the Pine View Student Handbook.
  • Completion of all homework assignments on the assigned date is essential to successful daily performance.  Check the homework website daily for the assignment.
  • This course will be conducted in French and students are expected to speak French at all times. Students will be working toward increased fluency and self-confidence in speaking French.
  • To do well in this course, most students will need to develop independent study habits and to go beyond the minimum requirements. Depending on a student's particular abilities, this might involve extra grammar study, extra composition practice, outside reading, watching French TV, searching for information on the internet in the target language, etc. If a student does not understand a concept taught in class, it is his/her responsibility to seek help from the teacher outside of class.
  • Please do not eat in class (it seems rude to be eating when others are not)


  1. Preparation and In-Class Performance

Proper preparation is made up of several important factors: having completed all of your assignments; being ready to hand in your assignment; having read and adequately studied all of your assigned readings; being able to participate in in-class discussions; being able to perform oral work as assigned; and a general knowledge of what is going on based on your study and homework.  Please try to take advantage of the opportunities presented to you to listen and speak French in the classroom.  The more French you practice, the more you will learn and the better your participation will be for it.  Be respectful of the class and the class activities.  You will be judged on your participation and in-class performance every single day.  Here are the criteria I will use to grade your participation:

A:  Speaks often in class, both when called on and voluntarily.  Frequently and correctly uses structures specifically studied in class.

B:  Speaks often in class, both when called on and voluntarily.  Shows

familiarity with structures studied but makes occasional errors with them.

C: Speaks only in class when called on.  Shows minimal familiarity with structures studied. 

D: Speaks rarely in class, even when called on.  Does not use structures studied or uses them imprecisely or incorrectly.


  1. Homework

Homework will be assigned daily and collected or checked at the beginning of class.  Every assignment must include your name, the date, page and exercise numbers and titles. Online assignments ( will be posted on my website as well as textbook assignments. Homework will be graded for completion. Assignments sent via e-mail will not be accepted except in the case of excused absences.



  1. Internet usage, language translators and copying and pine view honor code

The use of a language translator or copying and pasting passages into an internet translating site is a form of cheating. The assignments given to you can always be completed with your textbook, notes from class and concepts already learned. Their purpose is for you to use and practice the language. It is obvious to the teacher when a student uses translators or outside reference materials. Also, copying from a neighbor’s test is cheating and will result in a “0.” Additionally, working “together” on a project/assignment does not mean that two identical papers are handed in and this too will result in a “0.”

First Offense:  Student receives “zero” for the assignment/test/project, etc.

Teacher contacts parent within 24 hours. Referral submitted for documentation.

A conference between student, parent(s), teacher, and administrator will be scheduled.

Second Offense: In the same class or any other class during the academic year: Student fails the class in which the second offense occurred for the quarter.  Referral submitted. High-School students referred to Academic Honor Council.

Third Offense:  Referral submitted.  A conference between student, parent(s), and principal will be scheduled, recommending placement to a regular districted school.  Student receives a “zero” for the quarter.  Grade is transferred to the receiving school.


  1. Cellular phones

students may use cellular phones as a teaching/learning/educational tool. Students may not use cellular phones and/or electronic devices for purposes of communication including texting, checking your inbox, or looking at your cell phone screen to check the time or to look at pictures, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, etc., during class time. Phones being used for the purpose of communication will be confiscated. Confiscated items will be returned to a student or parent by an administrator.

  1. Grading policy
  1. All tests or quizzes will be administered on Thursdays of each regular week throughout the school year.
  2. Your grade will be based on the following: 
  • Assessments (Tests, Quizzes, Essays) ------------à 65%
  •  Employability/Homework/Organization-------à 20%
  • Participation & Projects ----------------------- ----à15% 

 No late homework will be accepted, unless excused absence


  1. National French Exam

Students in Level 3 are required to take the Exam this year regardless of academic standing in the class. A donation of $ 7 to cover the cost of the exam and scoring is requested.


Note: All the information contained within this letter, the course information, and other class related information is available online at , and also, can be found through my link at the Pine View website (enter the same password)

  1. Grades and attendance can be checked through Family Access Portal (formally Crosspointe).





Please read the course information carefully. Sign, detach and return the bottom portion of this form by Friday acknowledging that you have read it, understand it, and accept the policies and procedures listed within this document. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. 

Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________Student Signature___________________________Date_____________________________


Parent/Guardian Print Name: __________________________________Student Print Name: ___________________Date_____________________________